AirLoft的原型。 第三期, 基于mongodb的mongoose来搭建RESTful API, 主要包括了关于各类涉及到对象的GET, POST, PUT DELETE方法的实现。 在postman上不断的模拟, 也最终搭好一个稳定且flexible的后端API处理, 剩下的就是将数据库和这个Express App的controller结合, 并在前端上灵活的应用啦!如果说前端就像一个人的妆容, 那么数据库以及API处理就是他的谈吐和内涵, 这个应用也有了scaling的能力, 加油!
In MVC architecture, we need to have views without content or data. An common way to implement MVC architecture is to first build up a frontend clickable prototype, then extract the content from the view back to controller(concerned with data structure), then back to model. And now we are in the second step, we try to put variable in jade file in place of content, and put the content as variable into the controller.
First set up a connection URI like: var dbURI = 'mongodb://localhost/airloft';
, username, password and port number is optional for localhost.
A stupid mistake!! Need to open the mongod
before you tried to connect to it. One thing to notice is that Mongoose connection doesn’t automatically close when the application restarts or stops. In order to do that whenever we restart the nodemon
, we will need to listen for nodejs event. Nodemon uses SIGUSR2
, application termination uses SIGINT
, Heroku uses SIGTERM
, like:
1 | var graceShutDown = function(msg, callback){ |
use process.once
to overwrite the default SIGUSR2
function, but then use kill
to resend the SIGUSR2
signal again, but this time we hook up a msg display functionality. Especially the place, we use process.once()
instead of process.on()
in the SIGUSR2
case, since nodejs will listen for the same event, and if we use on
, then it will forms a infinite loop. Note that process.kill()
serves the functionality of sending the signal.
Recap: Basically four step as discussed here, first define a connection URI string, then second setup the db connection; third monitor the mongoose connection events like
, and fourth monitor the node process event in order to close the db connection when we restart.
From view to controller, finally to store in db is what we have gone through so far. It works pretty well, since the moment we move the data to the controller, we gradually solidy the data structure we want to use!!
Some technical names: “path” is like attribute names in relational database while “property object” is like the values but like other JS object, can be nested. Also, we can add data validation inside the schema, two advantages:
- save the roundtrip time to datebase
- save the code inside the application for validation.
Adding indexes can make database search more efficiently, jist like adding index to the files you want to search in your drawer. In order to add a GeoJSON path into your application, you only need to do this: coords: {type: [Number], index: '2dsphere'}
; using 2dsphere
allows mongodb to be able to calculate the geolocation fast, thus it is helpful to build a location-based application.
Subdocument is helpful when handling nested data structure, one thing to note, when creating attributes like timestamp
, we use data type called Date
, like:
1 | var reviewSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ |
这张图讲得很清楚, schema是application-side的东西, 每一个model是的实例instance通过schema可以map到database里面的每一个document, 1:1的对应关系。
While typing in mongod
will let you start the mongodatabase, using mongo
will start tht shell and let you connect to the test database. And some useful commands in mongo go here:
show dbs
to show all existing database so far.use local
to switch to another database. And if that db doesn’t exist yet, mongo will create it for collections
returns all the content from collection, uesful when we check whether the data has been{...})
will savev a new document into collection.db.inventory.remove({})
will remove all documents in collectioninventory
will query a document and update its content. The first argument is query string, and second argument use$push
to insert subdocuments.
1 | > db.locations.update({ |
So far, we have insert a fake data document in our local computer, but in real life, we want database to be externally accessible. use heroku addons:add mongolab
to register a db URI at mongolab as a heroku addons. And use heroku addons:open mongolab
to go the website interface to check database details. In order to get the uri of the database, type heroku config:get MONGOLAB_URI
Note that in real practice, I have to fixed a typo bug from my previous data stored in mongolab, I have to first go to the mongo shell to
again, then do themongodump
again to dump the data into the temp folder at~/tmp
and push the data to live database. And make sure to press the “Delete all collection” button before we didmongorestore
to avoid same key collision.
After receive URI, we will first dump our localhost data into a folder in local computer, then restore the data to the live database. use mkdir -p ~/tmp/mongodump
will create a folder to hold up the dumped data. Note that use -p
option will create the non-existed folders on the path like “tmp”.
- use
mongodump -h localhost:27017 -d airloft -o ~/tmp/mongodump
to export airloft.missions data into BSON. - use
mongorestore -h <host and port number> -d <live database name> -u <username(same as database name)> -p <password> <path to dump data folder>
to push the data up to the mongolab live database. - Last step(testing), we can use
mongo hostname:port/database_name -u username -p password
to change themongo
to interact with an external database. Note that in the last two steps, database name is the same as username. Then, we can use commands introduced before to interact with live database. In summery, we have one source code and can be used to manipulate databases at two locations, one in local computer, a test database, and one in Heroku, a live database.
Let application use right database. use heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production
to set the environment variable NODE_ENV
to be production for Heroku. Environment variable will affect the way the core process runs. When we tried to use nodemon
to start application, one way to make sure what environemnt we are running in is to prepend a ENV variable before nodemon like NODE_ENV=production nodemon
, and corresponds to this change, we also change the code in db.js(with a if-else block) to set the dbURI aligned with environment. In application, we can access to such variable by process.env.NODE_ENV
, but since we post it in public repo, we don’t want our credentials to be public. Instead, we use environment variables from Heroku configuration.
1 | var dbURI = 'mongodb://localhost/airloft'; |
REST is an architecture style, it’s stateless, meaning it will not recognize users or history. Having such program interface will allow us to talk to our database through HTTP and perform CRUD operations then send back a HTTP response. An way to construct URLs is to think about the collections in our database. In ‘airloft.missions’ collection, we may want to allow operations like:
to create an new mission./missions
to read all missions./missions/<index>
to read a specific mission./missions/<index>
to update a specific mission. And so on so forth.
As we can see the urls are same for several operations, and we will use different request methods to tell the server what action to take.
to create new data in database(from submitting form).GET
to read data.PUT
to update a document.DELETE
to delete a document.
1 | // missions |
Then in the corresponding controller files, we define these functions and fill them with the simplest response to display when received such request.
1 | var sendJsonRes = function(res, status, content){ |
“GET” method implementation
Some useful queries in Mongoose:
general search based on query object.findById
look for specific ID.findOne
get the first match document.geoNear
find geo-closef query.geoSearch
add query functionality to geoNear operation.
After using queries, we use exec
method execute the query and passes a callback function that will run when the operation is complete. The callback function should accept two parameters, an error object and the instance of found document.
1 | var sendJsonRes = function(res, status, content){ |
Then, we want to add error checking like this: note that we can also utilize console.log
to print out some useful information about the data in terminal since we use nodemon
In real practice, we may not always want to retrive a whole document from mongodb, we may only just need some specific data. Thus, we can limit the data being passed around to improve speed, using select
to retriece only “name” and “reviews” entry from a document in collection. Like this:
1 | module.exports.reviewsReadOne = function(req, res){ |
Apart from the error checking in the above code, we can use id
to query subdocument the _id
entry. note that in the raw data, I mistakenly put the entry name to be id
instead of _id
, which causes me to re-insert the data again to let the id()
work for subdocument.
These above example codes shows us how to simulate “GET” request for mission and reviews in “missions” collection in live mongolab database. When it comes to geo-query, we need to query the longtitude and latitude in req.query
with some urls like this: api/missions?lng=-12.34343434&lat=51.22424224
Besides, the way writing the js code is quite important using closure!! I use an example that will be reused in later geo-distance calculation to illustrate how to only expost functions for later use with closure to wrap the inner variables from outer collisions.
1 | var theEarth = (function(){ |
Then the complete geo searching functions are:
1 | // for main page listing by distance. |
So far, we complete all three “GET” methods for this website, namely, [1]ListByDistance for the main page “/api/missions”; [2]get a single mission information for each mission document in db “/api/missions/<_id>“; [3]get a single review information for reviews from each mission document as subdocument “/api/missions/<_id>/reviews/<_id>“. And next, we will look at other methods like “POST”, “PUT” and “DELETE”.
“POST” method implementation
In this project, since we only involve missions and reviews, we need to implement new mission post and new review post from form data, which is stored at req.body.<attr>
The way we create an document is using create()
directly :
1 | module.exports.missionsCreate = function(req, res){ |
For subdocuments or facing with a list instead of an array, we probably just retrieve that list and push
a new item into the list. Then we just need to <instance>.save()
to save the item like this:
1 | var addReiview = function(req, res, mission){ |
“PUT” method implementation
“PUT” method is similar to “POST” in a way that they both use form data stored in req.body
, while one is create from nothing and add to the database, the other is to find an existing one and update part of the information.
- One hack I thought about is to use
to obtain the keys from a js object, then using$set
to only update the value in body? Ideas: this idea only works when all field are requiring same manipulation from body data. To be more specifically, some data are needed to be processed to feed for later use, such as we add.split(",");
for tags data, and some fields like “coords” is an array. Thus, if we want to apply more operations on some data, we cannot just treat them in the same way in a for loop - Or, utilize the the way mongoose model treat model parameters, we can do
var newReview = new Review(req.body)
to create an instance of “Review” model, then use this to replace the old one?
One important thing to notice is that when we save, we save parent document! In our case, we did, mission))
“DELETE” method implementation
“DELETE” method is easier, we only need to find that document by “missionid”, then do Missions.remove(function(err, mission))
. For the subdocument, we simply find that subdocument and call remove at the end. The prototype is like:
1 | // A working prototype without error checking. |
How to insert an common model instance into mongodb? I mean, since we can’t generate the “_id” by ourselves, then how comes we insert such object into
? Answer: we need to know the difference
, usingsave
, we can simple provide an model instance according to the model schma, while using usinginsert
, we have to write the object exacty the same as the final document!“GET” method implementation? Answer: using mongodb query like
and others to get the document from db, and sometimes we needid
to retrieve info from subdocument. Besides,geoNear
is handy in mongodb to get displaying documents by distance.Some important places for error checking:
- If argument is in the
. if not, return a message inres
saying founding no argument in coming request. - Then given an ID(probably), we may want to search that document in database using
, and the callback function contains anerror
object and a instance object, where the returning instance object indicates whether or not searching database is succeeded or not. If not, return a message saying object not found in database. - When we tried to update of create a new document, we may usually use
, the callback function contains an error object either, it indicates whether or not such instance can be created or updated correctly, if the error message appears, it usually dues to the fact that some fields violates the validation rules specified in database schema.
- If argument is in the
- Unless you fancy adding hundreds of script tags to your pages, you need a build tool to bundle your dependencies. You also need something to allow NPM packages to work in browsers. This is where Webpack comes in.
- Add a .gitattributes file and push it to github to overwrite the project type calculated by github, adding
*.css linguist-language=Javascript
into the file to let a specific file being overwritten.